
  1. Administrator

    [VIDEO] This is what we do to goofy Hall o‘ Shame💩 stooges like vitterd🐀💩 around here…👊

    We make sure these goofs get the beats they deserve👊
  2. Tuesday

    TheGx Hall o’ Shame💩 FIRST EVER inductee @enikklies matthew dobroski mattmoments kingmomemts3220 mattymoments vitterd king vitty rattard🐀💩 etc...

    Of course 🐀💩 tops the list in the hall of shame hahaha...
  3. Tuesday

    The posters protection program posse president(p⁵) and literally the brandon lang of online forums sbr/bmr/rx stooge🤡 matthew dobroski vitterd🐀💩

    December 09th 2022 will be know forever more as the day vitterd got banned at the big 3 sports gambling forums: sbr - sportsbook review bmr - bookmakers review therx sports forum 🐀💩 also known as matty ice/ratterd/ratturd/rattard/vitterd/vitterd/vitterd/air vitty/queenvitch/big gay...
  4. Tuesday

    The "REAL" FADE sbr/bmr stooge🤡 matthew dobroski vitterd mattmoments kingmoments3220 Thread

    This thread is for people that want to FADE the SBR stooge known as vitterd/olive branch/air vitty/bitcherd/courtney/big gay queen/vitturd/vittard/rattard/tard/turd/clitturd/queenvitch/etc. If you don't want to FADE...FUCK OFF🖕🤌 --- Photo of vitterd with his sister that vitterd claims he had...
Mastodon - @thegx@thoughtful.social Mastodon - @thegx@annihilation.social